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Supercharge Your Holiday Sales with Performance TV

Written by tvScientific | Aug 28, 2023 9:37:19 PM

Believe it or not, it’s already time for marketers to put their holiday campaigns in motion. We partnered with AdWeek for a webinar about ways to supercharge your holiday sales with performance-based connected TV (CTV). 

In under 30 minutes, Ashley Parducci (Head of Insights and Measurement) and Jonathan Watkins (Head of Customer Operations) explained:

  • Why CTV is a channel your holiday campaign cannot ignore
  • How to build your holiday campaign strategy
  • How to measure campaign success
  • And more

We gathered three takeaways from the webinar that you can use to kickstart your holiday campaign.

Capitalize on extra time spent with CTV and holiday programming

CTV advertising can capture more eyes during the holiday season than you might realize. Non-linear sources now make up over 50% of time spent watching TV. Viewers have made CTV the largest slice of the pie (77%). Brands are realizing that CTV offers everything other digital channels do, plus benefits from its immersive viewing experience.

With 65% of US consumers tuning into holiday programming, CTV and holiday programming overlap to create a perfect channel to reach the right audiences with the most impact. Parducci explains that CTV’s immersive nature can help storytelling resonate better with viewers. It creates a more memorable experience than slapping messaging onto a static image.

CTV is the ideal performance marketing channel to take advantage of the biggest content consumption time of the year. The next step? Build a holiday campaign strategy that engages target shoppers effectively.

Leave time for testing

Over 55% of webinar attendees reported starting their holiday ad campaign before October. 31.4% launch in September or earlier. 

Parducci explains why it's an excellent idea for marketers who start their CTV journey with a holiday campaign to launch as early as possible, “We always recommend testing various kinds of targeting tactics and starting broad so that you can learn more about who is engaging with you and you can learn from your audience."

She also mentions a few targeting tactics tvScientific customers like to deploy, including: 

  • Behavioral targeting: to reach potential customers who have shown interest in similar products
  • Interest-based targeting: to target people based on their interests, hobbies, or activities related to the holiday season
  • Affinity targeting: to target people who are attracted to similar brands 

Targeting isn’t just about the audience. It also includes the inventory or the content selection where your ad will be running. Watkins says the best advice he would give marketers is, “Make sure to be in control of your entire budget and know where that budget is being applied. It’s also important to ensure your CTV partner is focusing on your KPIs more than they're focusing on their own.”

To learn more about how to build a holiday campaign strategy and how to measure its success, watch the on-demand webinar.

Use storytelling to enhance holiday creative

31.4% of attendees reported that their biggest challenge is standing out from their competition. CTV’s immersive and captivating nature sets it apart from other digital channels. Watkins explains: “This means that compelling creative is what will set you apart from your competition.”

Among best practices for CTV creative during the holiday season, three standouts include:

  • Weave in the magic of the holidays during its limited time period (if your brand allows you to dive into tap into it)
  • Make sure to include a clear Call to Action
  • Captivate your audience through storytelling

If marketers don’t know where to start with their creative, Watkins recommends considering the question, “Why do audiences love my brand?”

Interested in unwrapping more insights from the full webinar? Watch the on-demand recording for more strategies to build a successful holiday CTV campaign, develop captivating creativity, measure campaign success, and more.