TV Advertising with Precision

Precisely target the right buyers by segmenting across 15,000+ unique targeting attributes provided by third-party data sources.

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Meet Your Customers Where They Are

Enable digital-like targeting through trusted third-party providers. Segment your audience by attributes like:

Online/offline behavior

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Interest based



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Web-to-TV Retargeting

Retarget visitors and engage them with the high-impact ads on CTV in 3 easy steps:

Set up a tvScientific campaign and place the resulting pixel on your website.

Re-engage the retargeting audience pool with a non-skippable CTV ad.

The live pixel adds any website visitor to a retargeting audience pool.


First Party Audience Activation

Onboard your most valuable customers or prospect segments using a broad range of identifiers like, address, email, IP, and device ID, all in tvScientific's data-protected environment.

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Get Started Today

See how you can boost lift and ROAS with CTV

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