
How CTV is reshaping growth for marketers | tvScientific

Written by tvScientific | May 14, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Connected TV is among the fastest-growing channels in digital advertising today. Recent reporting projects that it will grow over 48% this year representing a $13.41 billion advertising market.

For retail advertisers, this presents a significant opportunity. At the same time, given the recent changes sweeping across the digital advertising industry, digital retailers face an unusual combination of challenges over the coming months: IDFA is phasing out, cookies are going away, Facebook is more expensive than ever and Amazon’s ever-changing policies and economic structures pose uncertainties. Meanwhile, paid search is expensive and has limited potential in terms of scale.

With all of these headwinds, CTV represents a scalable marketing channel with increasingly powerful and effective targeting and measurement capabilities similar to digital. There are seven fundamental ways to frame the channel’s growth.

Read more at Modern Retail