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June 2023: Unpacking the CTV Ad Surge, Marketing’s Broadening Role, and More | tvScientific

Written by tvScientific | Jun 30, 2023 11:52:06 PM

Here’s what you need to know about trending developments in CTV and marketing

Summer is here. As audiences settle into the living room to take a break from the heat, it’s time to prepare for your brand’s starring role on the home’s central screen. For this month’s tvScientific news roundup, we’re bringing you insights into the growing demand for CTV and linear TV hybrid approaches, surging ad revenue, and the role of marketing in driving growth. Let’s take a look.


CTV Insights

Advertisers: Let us Buy Linear and CTV Ads Together

TV Tech

A new report indicates a popular request from advertising agencies that may shape the future of both CTV and linear ad buying: 71% of surveyed agencies revealed that they would like to be able to purchase CTV and linear ad slots together as a bundle, and 86% want “linear-like” control of ad placement to improve their targeting and campaign results.

Connected TV (CTV) Ad Revenue Growth: What’s Behind the Surge?


According to a new mid-year forecast from GroupM, CTV ad spending is set to grow by 13.2% globally this year to reach a total of $25.9 billion. The forecasts expects that to carry forward with an annual compounded growth rate of 10.4% between 2023 and 2028. eMarketer points to the growing adoption of CTV as a sign that viewers favor its flexibility, variety, and personalization.

The Future of Data-Driven CTV: Interview With PubMatic & Adalyser


A new interview with leaders from CTV advertising firms explores the evolving role of CTV within modern media mixes, where the CTV space is set to evolve in the next 10 years, and beyond. The leaders note that the programmatic potential of CTV is enabling greater efficiency and control of advertising, while technology partnerships that bring better integration and interoperability will make for an even broader array of solutions in years to come.

Marketing Insights

Why Every Modern Enterprise Organization Needs Insight-Driven Marketing

Harvard Business Review

Gathering consumer insights was once an expensive and time-consuming process, but the rise of social media means they may feel too abundant. Fortunately, modern insight-driven marketing practices can find signals amidst the noise. Advances in AI, including large language models, are providing fast and powerful tools for understanding brand narratives and perceptions in real-time.

The Success Elements of Marketing-driven Growth


Companies with a customer-obsessed growth engine see 2.4 times higher revenue growth and twice as much profitability compared to their competitors, and core to that premise is alignment. This article and accompanying podcast argue why customer experience should be key to growth strategies even in uncertain economic times.

Three Ways Marketing Can Help Resolve Internal Issues Today


An effective marketing department’s work is not solely focused on the external, as this article argues, but instead integrates with other business areas to create a sum greater than its parts. Working with client relations, sales, and communications helps capture customer expectations across their entire journey, while marketing and communication can even help coach company leaders to become more effective brand builders.

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That brings us to the end of our June 2023 News Roundup. But before you (hopefully) head out to enjoy some hot sun and cool drinks, you can take one easy step to stay on top of all the biggest developments in CTV and marketing: Sign up for our newsletter today!