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How CTV Drives Impact Amidst the 2024 Election Frenzy | tvScientific

Written by tvScientific | Oct 16, 2024 1:04:52 AM

The 2024 US presidential election is less than a month away, and political ads have been flooding every screen. With an estimated $12.3 billion pouring into political ad investments this year — up nearly 29% from the prior presidential election in 2020 — it’s no wonder marketers are on high alert. 

The real kicker? Election day falls in the middle of the holiday marketing season, a critical period for brands looking to drive sales and boost their year-end performance. The stakes are high, and our recent survey found that 50% of marketers are worried about how the election will impact the visibility and outcomes of their holiday campaigns.

While these are all valid concerns, we have some good news: non-political advertisers don’t need to panic. By leveraging Connected TV (CTV), brands can cut through the election noise, capture audience attention, and drive tangible business results. In this article, we’re exploring why CTV is the secret weapon for marketers  — particularly non-political ones — to stay competitive amidst the election chaos. 

Why CTV Stands Out Among the Noise

Every election cycle, political advertisers distribute their budgets across a variety of digital channels. This year, CTV is seeing a significant bump in political ad spend, with projections reaching $1.3 billion for this election cycle.

Yet, the reality is that non-political advertisers still have plenty of room to shine. Let’s tackle some of the most common myths about CTV during election season — and more importantly, why they shouldn’t hold you back.

Common Myths About Political Ad Spend on CTV — Debunked

Myth 1: Political ads will consume all premium CTV inventory.

Reality: Despite the buzz around political ad spending on CTV, there’s more to the story. Election-related CTV investments reportedly make up just 13% of total political ad spending, and less than 0.5% of all US ad expenditures this year. Instead, most political budgets still heavily favor traditional channels like linear TV and radio. In fact, over 75% of political ad spend so far in 2024 is directed toward broadcast and cable TV, indicating that CTV hasn’t yet caught up with viewer adoption on the political front. 

Plus, the majority of these political ads are targeted to viewers in a handful of swing states, meaning that the majority of the US aren’t seeing political ads right now. 

Lastly, streaming platforms like Amazon and Netflix have sworn off political ads

All of these factors provide a wealth of opportunities for non-political brands to grab prime CTV real estate.

Myth 2: CPMs will skyrocket for CTV ads during election season.

Reality: Marketers often fear that political ads will inflate CPMs and push their costs through the roof. But here’s the twist: analysis by the Trade Desk shows that in the last two election cycles, the highest average quarterly CPMs for political CTV ads didn’t even occur in Q4 when political spending was most aggressive. In fact, the average monthly CPM range varied by just $2 — a mere 12% shift. So while it’s easy to assume that competition will send prices soaring, the impact is far less dramatic than you might think.

Myth 3: Brands will struggle to reach their audience amidst the political noise.

Reality: One of the biggest advantages of CTV is its precise targeting capabilities. Even when the political noise is at its peak, CTV allows brands to zero in on their ideal audience with laser focus. This precision ensures that your ads are served to the right viewers, at the right time, without getting lost in the clutter. 

What’s more, CTV’s ability to integrate seamlessly with other marketing channels amplifies your message, creating a cohesive, omnichannel approach that keeps your brand top-of-mind.

Actionable Strategies for Marketers to Optimize Their CTV Campaigns in 2024 and Beyond

To maximize your impact on CTV during the election frenzy, here are some actionable strategies to help you stay ahead.

1. Broaden your audience net. 

Prioritize audience-based buying instead of limiting your campaigns to specific channels. By focusing on the audience itself, you can reach your target consumers no matter where they are viewing content, making your campaign more resilient to fluctuations in CTV ad availability.

You can use a programmatic platform like tvScientific to seamlessly buy ads across various channels and platforms simultaneously, while still having access to precise audience targeting options.

2. Leverage real-time data and analytics.

Use CTV's advanced analytics to your advantage. Dive deep into your audience data to refine targeting and enhance campaign performance. By continuously analyzing viewer behavior and engagement, you can make real-time adjustments that optimize your reach and drive higher conversion rates.

3. Think outside the box when it comes to ad creative.

Creativity is your best ally when vying for attention against political ads. Consider using humor, emotional storytelling, or value-driven messaging to make your ads stand out. During times when people are bombarded with political messages, a refreshing, well-crafted creative can capture their attention and make your brand memorable.

If you’re running a holiday campaign, you can take 2 approaches to your ad creative:

  • Brand-building ads: Focus on storytelling, highlighting your brand’s values, and festive content. This approach boosts awareness and emotional connection as consumers explore gift ideas.
  • Performance-driven ads: Use promotional offers, discounts, or product-focused messages to create urgency. These ads are great for driving immediate actions like clicks, visits, or purchases as consumers get closer to buying.

Balance both content types within your CTV campaign by starting with high-reach brand-building ads, then shifting to targeted, conversion-focused ads as the season progresses. By doing so, you can build a holistic holiday campaign that not only maximizes sales, but also enhances brand recall and builds long-lasting customer relationships for sustained success. 

For a detailed timeline of when to deploy each type of content, see our 2024 Holiday Campaign Buying Guide.

4. Align with highly relevant content.

Position your ads alongside high-interest content that will still be in demand during the election season, such as news, sports, or entertainment. By aligning with this type of content, you can ensure that your brand remains visible and relevant to viewers, even during the busiest ad periods.

Turn Election Frenzy into Marketing Success

As the election season heats up and political ads flood all kinds of marketing channels, CTV emerges as a beacon of opportunity for marketers looking to stay competitive. With its precision targeting, flexibility, and resistance to political ad pressure, CTV is the key to turning this election chaos into a marketing advantage.

Don’t let the noise of 2024's political frenzy drown out your message. Instead, harness the power of CTV to break through, connect with your audience, and drive meaningful results. If you need help getting started, contact us.

Visit our holiday resources hub to dive deeper into this year’s top advertising trends and strategies to run a successful holiday campaign, even amidst the election craze.